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U-Boat Replica Watches

U-Boat Replica Watches unveiled their Freak NeXt collection at the Serpentine Gallery, Hyde Park in London on a day that was seasonably overcast. The concept watch is appropriately named. It features a flying silicon oscillator that has no axis. This reduces friction to almost zero. The Freak NeXt is a project that took 10 years to complete. It's as symbolic as it is technical: it represents the work being done at the Le Locle, Switzerland manufacturing facility, and where they are planning to go next.

Patrick Pruniaux presented the piece. His energy was comparable to that of the Freak NeXt silicon oscillator. (More on this later). Pruniaux has been at Ulysse-Nardin since 2017. He looks and acts just like Today's CEO, an example of how the younger generation is filling the executive positions of the watch industry.Swiss Replica Watches Pruniaux, who was at ease when he introduced the Freak NXt, also showed a visible excitement about the next chapter. "It is innovation with a goal, and not just to say we can. After a few iterations, we wanted to make a collection of Freaks that made sense to us and was permanent. We also wanted to include a variety of references. You can see how the models have evolved from the Freak X to the Innovision and Vision. In the development phase, we ask a lot questions to ensure that each model fits into the family.

The Freak, and every version since then, has always been a watch that is different from any other in the industry. Its collection is instantly recognizable. U-Boat Replica Watches's first model was presented in 2001. It showed that traditional watchmaking can be advanced in terms of technology and design. After all, the watch was the first to use silicon components, which are now a standard in modern watchmaking. The design was futuristic, and visually arresting.

Freak, the original from 2001

U-Boat Replica Watches has been using the Freak collection for almost 20 years as the centerpiece of its most daring and innovative research and development. The Freak NeXt combines all that innovation with more. This time, it features a flying silicon oscillator.

U-Boat Replica Watches Freak NeXt

The Freak NeXt flying oscillator consists of five layers: one solid layer, which is the flywheel; and four other layers made up of silicon blade springs. The Freak NeXt oscillates at 12 Hz - triple the rate of the previous Freak. This gives it a 70-hour reserve of power (also a significant increase over the last Freak).Richard Mille Replica Watches The oscillator's multi-layered design shows that the triangles act as "beams" and the points at which they cross work as pivot points. There are no actual jewels or pivots needed, so friction is reduced to almost zero.